Have You Registered for Florida Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Society 2017 Annual Meeting #FAAIS17?

From Jeanne Torbett:

Have You Registered for FAAIS 2017 meeting?

Have You Made Your Hotel Reservation?

If not, what are you waiting for?

Here is the program - click for PDF.

It is time to mark your calendar, make your reservations and register for the Florida Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Society 2017 Annual Meeting


June 30-July 2

The program has been set (and it is a whopper!!) and the speakers are preparing!

Now all we need is for you to make your arrangements!

To make your hotel reservations at the JW Marriott, Orlando, FL, call: 800-266-9432.

4040 Central Florida Pky.
Orlando, Florida 32837

To register for the meeting, go to our website at: www.faais.org

(If you cannot remember your password, simply click on the link on the right that states, "begin a new registration". That will simply take you to the next screen.)


First you must go online and pay your dues!! You will immediately receive a discount code that provide you with a $50 discount on your meeting registration!!

Call me at: 904-765-7702.

See you at the JW!!

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Jeanne Torbett, CMP, CMMM
Executive Director
Florida Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Society

phone: 904-765-7702
fax: 904-765-7767
email: faais@aol.com

4909 Lannie Road, Ste. B
Jacksonville, FL 32218