AllerGen investigator Dr. Susan Elliott @GeoHealthE opens #CSACI15's Food Allergy Symposium talking Integrated Knowledge Translation. Next up Dr Susan Elliott @AllerGen_NCE Investigator and Medical Geographer.
Susan Elliott from U of Waterloo to talk about integrated knowledge transfer and food allergy
Knowledge translation bridges the "know-do" gap - take what we've learned from research and ensure it gets to end users, adopted. We want to take "what we know" and apply it to "what we do": synthesis, dissemination, exchange and application of knowledge. iKT involves knowledge users as equal partners alongside researchers throughout the process.
Dr Elliott's talk at #CSACI15 revolved around "GET-FACTS" a program to translate food allergy science into action for allergic patients . Get FACTS - Genetics, Environments, and Therapies: Food Allergy Clinical Trial Studies.
Pilot project in Canada with GET-FACTS researchers and a steering committee to attempt iKT with regards to food allergy research.
10 years ago we introduced KT to replace CPD. Taken 10 years to change it from KT (Knowledge Translation) to iKT (integrated KT).
Still lots of ambiguity around KT, seen by many to be a buzz-phrase that may not yet have a lot of practical utility.