Food allergy - top articles for January 2014

Here are my suggestions for some of the top articles about food allergy for January 2014:

Although less than 50% of children with milk allergy get tested, it is the most commonly diagnosed food allergy

Inhalation of chalk dust containing casein can induce asthma symptoms in milk allergic patients

Scombroid poisoning is caused by the consumption of inadequately preserved or refrigerated fish. Bacteria in the fish contain a decarboxylase enzyme that converts histidine to histamine, which is resistant to cooking and freezing.

Tick bites and red meat allergy: Large numbers of patients with IgE Ab to alpha-gal continue to be identified. Two distinct forms of anaphylaxis: immediate-onset anaphylaxis during first exposure to intravenous cetuximab and delayed-onset anaphylaxis 3–6 h after ingestion of mammalian food products (e.g. beef and pork)

Lipid transfer protein (LTP) is the main cause of food allergy in adults living in the Mediterranean. In some LTP sensitized subjects clinical food allergy occurs only in the presence of cofactors such as exercise, NSAIDs, or chronic urticaria.

Treatment of food anaphylaxis with traditional Chinese herbal remedies: from mouse model to human clinical trials

Alert for PCPs: Caregivers are unsure following first food allergic reaction - until referred to an allergist

Food allergy: Thermal processing may reduce allergenicity of proteins in hazelnut and almond

Food-sensitized infants have higher plasma IL-4, IL-13, IL-12p70 and lower IL-10 levels. Low IL-10 levels appear to predict food allergy among sensitized infants

Skin prick test responses and sIgE predict food allergy in infants with 95% positive predictive value

Gastrointestinal food allergy in infants - 2013 review

The vital need for Allergy Training: removing the doubts

"True" tomato allergy was detected in 1% of patient with oral allergy syndrome but 33% had association with profilin hypersensitivity

Peanut allergen is present in house dust of eating area and bed in 19 of 21 households (study)

The articles were selected from Twitter @Allergy and RSS subscriptions. Some of the top allergy accounts on Twitter contributed links. I appreciate the curation provided by @Aller_MD @AllergyNet @IgECPD @DrAnneEllis @AACMaven @AllergieVoeding @allergistmommy @mrathkopf @wheezemd.

Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to allergycases AT gmail DOT com and you will receive an acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.

Image source: Wikipedia, GNU Free Documentation License.