Drug allergy - top articles for January 2013

Here are my suggestions for some of the top articles about drug allergy for December 2012 - January 2013:

Incidence of angioedema with angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) or direct renin inhibitor (DRI) not different from placebo http://goo.gl/CWLsH

Hypersensitivity reactions in anesthesia setting: Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are most frequently incriminated http://goo.gl/Qa8EI

Hypersensitivity reactions to proton pump inhibitors: severity varies from mild symptoms to life-threatening (review) http://goo.gl/CchfQ

Pediatric drug allergy: drug provocation test remains the gold standard, particularly with benign rash with antibiotics http://goo.gl/DcJQx

Exanthematous Reactions - drug-related rashes in NEJM http://goo.gl/bmGq8

Skin Tests Can Diagnose Proton Pump Inhibitor Allergies http://buff.ly/LKBsl1

Desensitization for Insulin Allergy http://goo.gl/T29CN

Latex immunotherapy: state of the art. Guidelines do not consider allergy to latex as indication to desensitization http://buff.ly/MTxuNf

Component-Resolved Diagnosis in Pediatric Allergy http://bit.ly/SG6FNJ

Colonoscopic allergen provocation test - birch allergen rBet v 1 in patients with pollen-associated food allergy http://goo.gl/WB8BJ

Latex immunotherapy: state of the art. SLIT can be offered? http://buff.ly/P4yZ7W

Steroid Allergy http://buff.ly/QIIwVv

Systemic contact dermatitis to corticosteroids http://buff.ly/QVwBnq

The articles were selected from my Twitter stream @Allergy and Google Reader RSS subscriptions. Some of the top allergy accounts on Twitter contributed links. I appreciate the curation provided by @JuanCIvancevich @AllergyNet @IgECPD4 @DrAnneEllis @AACMaven @AllergieVoeding @allergistmommy @mrathkopf @wheezemd.

Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to allergycases AT gmail DOT com and you will receive an acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.

Comments from Twitter:

Scott Gavura @PharmacistScott: Allergies to insulin, cortocosteroids? Wow.