Top articles about food allergy in April-May 2012

Here are my suggestions for some of the top articles about food allergy in April-May 2012:

Increasing the accuracy of peanut allergy diagnosis to 60% by using Ara h 2. Measurement of whole peanut-specific IgE (sIgE) is often used to confirm sensitization but does not reliably predict allergy. Ara h 2 is the dominant peanut allergen detected in 90% to 100% of patients with peanut allergy. Sensitivity of Ara h 2 sIgE is 60%, correctly identifying 60% of subjects with true peanut allergy compared with only 26% correctly identified by using whole peanut sIgE. Using a combined approach of plasma sIgE testing for whole peanut followed by Ara h 2 for the diagnosis of peanut allergy, the number of OFCs required is reduced by almost two thirds.

Universality of Ara h 1, 2, 3 being the major allergens responsible for systemic reactions to peanut is challengeable

Management of anaphylaxis in schools: Despite training, school personnel perform poorly when asked to demonstrate EpiPen

Glucosamine is probably safe for patients with shellfish allergy (study)

High total IgE and sensitization to egg at 6 months of age are risk factors for atopic dermatitis after 1 year of age

Accidental exposure to egg: 21% of allergic children had a reaction in the previous year, 50% took place at home

Effect of precautionary statements on purchasing practices in food allergy: The “not suitable” label is most effective

CD203c basophil activation test "highly successful" for diagnosis of wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA)

Oral food challenges are safe, successful, and useful for diagnosis of food allergy but high-risk reactions do occur

Large number of suspected food allergy diagnoses could be incorrect, leading to unnecessary elimination diets and costs

When are children with food allergy ready to use EpiPen on their own? Pediatric allergists suggest age 12-14 years

The articles were selected from my Twitter and Google Reader streams.