Dog in the home means dog allergen in the home, the dog breed does not matter

26% of European adults coming to the clinic for suspected allergy to inhalant allergens are sensitised to cats and 27% to dogs (Consensus document on dog and cat allergy

Dust samples were collected from the floor of infants' bedrooms and processed for the main dog allergen Canis familiaris 1 (Can f 1). The characterization of the dog was based on coat type, dander level, and shedding.

The number of dogs in the home was not related to dog allergen levels. Homes with exclusively outdoor dogs had lower levels of dog allergen than homes with indoor dogs. Homes where the dog was allowed in the infant's bedroom had significantly higher Can f 1 levels on the child's bedroom floor.

Dogs in the home corresponded to dog allergen in the home. No dog characteristic, other than altered status, was associated with allergen levels in the home.


Dog characteristics and allergen levels in the home. Nicholas C, Wegienka G, Havstad S, Zoratti E, Ownby D, Johnson CC. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2010 Sep;105(3):228-233.
Indoor Allergen Avoidance
From the Blogosphere: Barrack Obama's Daughter Has Asthma, Gets a "Hypoallergenic" Dog
How a Doctor Almost Killed Her Dog - ibuprofen, the key ingredient in Motrin, poisons dogs. NYTimes.
Hypoallergenic dogs won't help allergy sufferers much, says study
Dog allergen levels in homes with hypoallergenic compared with nonhypoallergenic dogs: no difference
Dealbreaker: He's Allergic to My Cat. GOOD magazine, 2012.
"You might think you’ve found the perfect dog or cat to suit your allergies, but experts say it doesn’t exist"
Image source: Yellow Labrador Retriever, Wikipedia, GNU Free Documentation License.