Asthma Management and the Allergist: Better Outcomes at Lower Cost

The ACAAI handbook, Asthma Management and the Allergist: Better Outcomes at Lower Cost (known as the "Blue Book"), shows that treatment outcomes are better and less expensive when allergists directly provide asthma care or coordinate a care team, compared to when an allergist is not involved. Those outcomes include:

- 76 percent few emergency care visits
- 77 percent fewer hospitalizations and reduced lengths of hospital stays
- 45 percent fewer sick care office visits
- 77 percent fewer missed days from work or school
- Increased patient satisfaction and improved quality of life

The handbook Asthma Management and the Allergist: Better Outcomes at Lower Cost (PDF), sometimes called the "Blue Book.
A PowerPoint presentation of the handbook is available online for veiwing or download.
Image source: Wikipedia, public domain.