Air pollution near the home increases asthma severity in children

Hospital encounters for asthma (admissions or ED visits) have been associated with air pollution.

In a review of hospital records for 2,768 children in California, the investigators found that locally generated air pollution near the home affects asthma severity in children. Risk may begin during infancy and continue in later childhood, when asthma diagnoses are clearer.


Repeated hospital encounters for asthma in children and exposure to traffic-related air pollution near the home. Delfino RJ, Chang J, Wu J, Ren C, Tjoa T, Nickerson B, Cooper D, Gillen DL. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2009 Feb;102(2):138-44.
Traffic exposure associated with decreased lung function in asthma
Air Pollution as an Emerging Global Risk Factor for Stroke - 2.5% of all deaths, 8th leading risk factor for mortality
Air levels of SO(2) and NO(2) were associated with increased risk of ER visits due to asthma and COPD
Is air pollution of the 20th century a cause of current asthma hospitalizations? Thorax, 2011.
Airways changes related to air pollution exposure in wheezing children: pollution decreases FEV1. ERJ, 2012.

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Two Children, One Rich, One Poor, Gasping for Air in Delhi’s Smog - NYTimes

Image source: Interstate 80, seen here in Berkeley, California, is a freeway with many lanes and heavy traffic, Wikipedia, GNU Free Documentation License.