Chronic Sinusitis - Twitter summary from #CSACI19 meeting

Dr. Ellis @DrAnneEllis: About to give my interactive workshop on Dilemmas in Chronic Rhinosinusitis.

Polyp recurrence after endoscopic sinus surgery is almost 90%.

Dr. Desroisers - Not everything that can be added to a sinus rinse should go into the nose! Many dangers to 'home remedies'.

Inflammation is central to the multifactorial etiology of chronic rhinosinusitis. Eosinophils are a biomarker of the underlying disease if Type 2 inflammation is causing issues.

CRS epithelium heals poorly following injury. Microbiome is disrupted post sinus surgery as well. Those who do not do well post ESS are more likely to have Staph aureus.

Mary McHenry MD @maryjmchenry: Many reasons to treat other than the patient has stuffy nose: CRS impairs sleep, QoL, sense of smell, risk for antibiotics, risk for Type 2 disease, side effects of antibiotics - the list goes on!

Dupilumab led to polyp resolution as impressive as surgery in the Phase 3 trials - Desrosiers "it's like surgery to the immune system".

Stepwise approach to management of CRS -medication, well performed surgery, post EES budesonide irrigation.

Mary McHenry MD @maryjmchenry: Biologic therapy for CRSwNP: "surgery of the immune system" as per Dr Desrosiers (ENT). A great way to describe biologic therapy for Type 2 inflammation.