Gut microbiota and development of allergic disease - Twitter summary from #CSACI15 meeting

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Stuart Turvey from UBC on gut microbiota and the development of allergic disease. Microbiome influences on allergy /asthma. Human body has 10x as many bacteria as human cells. The body has 10X the number of bacterial cells than human cells. Stuart Turvey says it is time to rethink our relationship with bacteria and its importance to health.

The Microflora hypothesis

The microflora hypothesis - early life exposures affect composition of intestinal microbiota. Early life factors influence intestinal microbiota.

The Microflora hypothesis: early life exposures affect the composition of intestinal microbiota. That influences immunity.

From CHILD study: looked at bacterial 16S rRNA in stool samples at 2 times points in infancy, V3 region specifically. The gut microbiota at 3 months and 1 year were analyzed to determine which bacteria are present via RNA analysis. The gut microbiota at 3 months and 1 yr were analyzed to determine which bacteria are present via 16S RNA analysis. Microbiota results then compared to patient phenotype (wheezing or not, atopic/sensitized or not). They compared 319 children in the @CHILDSTUDY with 74 controls, 87 atopic only, 136 wheeze only and 22 subjects with both.

FLVR bacteria

No major differences in 1-year stool samples, but intriguing differences in 3-month samples: followed up with quantitative PCR. Several species "FLVR" shown to be significantly lower in 3-month stool of future atopic wheezers. FLVR bacteria were different in 3 months but not so much in year 1. Faecalibacterium, Lachnospira, Veillonella, and Rothia are the gut microbes labelled FLVR. At 1 year of age the microbiota were identical but there were differences at age 3 months between atopic and non-atopic.

FLVR supplementation in sterile OVA asthma mouse model showed protection against airway inflammation. These FLVR microbes appear protective against the development of atopy/asthma as shown by putting them in mouse models. FLVR - Faecalibacterium, Lachnospira, Veillonella & Rothia.

Short chain fatty acid: end-product of bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates. Acetate was lower in atopic wheezers.

Early life microbial dysbiosis is associated with enhanced risk of asthma and allergic disease. Early life microbial "dysbiosis" (lack of gut diversity) associated with enhanced risk asthma and allergic disease.

Dr. Turvey (UBC): Atopy PLUS Wheeze = significantly increases asthma by 3-years of age

Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood in Canada. 1 in 3 Canadians will be diagnosed with asthma at some point, and 30% of health care billings for children due to asthma.

Here are links to Dr Turvey's microbiome/asthma research (along with @MeghanAzad):

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