Tweet a day, make #AllergyGoAway ! Educational campaign on Twitter

Here is my suggestion for an educational campaign on Twitter. It is called Tweet a day, make #AllergyGoAway ! and here is how to do it:

1. Post one tweet a day, with a 140-character summary of one allergic disease plus a link. Post about a different allergic condition every day. Add a hashgtag for the condition, for example, #asthma #foodallergy, etc., and the campaign hashtag  #AllergyGoAway

2. When many allergists around the world tweet this, the message will reach the general population and patients.

3. Feel free to use the link to my website AllergyGoAway, the NLM PubMed link, or your own website.

Here is the list of suggested tweets. You can edit, or add your own. Remember, one tweet about one allergic disease per weekday, with explanation. Tweet a day, make # #AllergyGoAway 


#Asthma causes airways to narrow, leading to wheeze, shortness of breath, chest tightness, cough #AllergyGoAway

#Asthma is the most common chronic lung disease, affecting up to 10% of adults and 30% of children #AllergyGoAway

Allergic rhinitis

#Allergic rhinitis causes runny nose, congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes #AllergyGoAway

#Allergic rhinitis = you breathe in something you are allergic to: dust, animal dander, or pollen #AllergyGoAway

#Allergic rhinitis affects between 20% and 40% of people #AllergyGoAway

Food allergy

Food allergy is adverse immune response (typically IgE-mediated) triggered by a specific food #AllergyGoAway

8 foods cause 90% of food allergies #AllergyGoAway

Food allergy affects between 3% and 8% of people #AllergyGoAway

Every 3 minutes a food allergy reaction sends a patient to the ER #AllergyGoAway

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a long-term (chronic) skin disorder that causes scaly, itchy rashes #AllergyGoAway

Atopic dermatitis affects 17% of people #AllergyGoAway

Urticaria (hives)

#Hives are raised, itchy, red bumps (welts) on the surface of the skin #AllergyGoAway

#Urticaria affects up to 20% of people at some point in their lives #AllergyGoAway


#Angioedema is a swelling similar to hives, but swelling is under the skin instead of on surface #AllergyGoAway


#EoE causes allergic inflammation of esophagus (tube that sends food from mouth to stomach) #AllergyGoAway

Most common symptom of #EoE in adults is difficulty, sometimes pain in swallowing solid foods #AllergyGoAway

Drug allergy

Adverse drug reactions affect up to 10% of people #AllergyGoAway

Drug allergies are drug hypersensitivity reactions caused by the immune system #AllergyGoAway


#Anaphylaxis is a severe, whole-body allergic reaction to an allergen #AllergyGoAway

#Anaphylaxis happens quickly after allergen exposure, is severe, and involves the whole body #AllergyGoAway

#Anaphylaxis affects between 1.5% and 5% of people #AllergyGoAway

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis causes skin to become red, sore, or inflamed after direct contact with a substance #AllergyGoAway

There are two kinds of contact dermatitis: irritant and allergic #AllergyGoAway

Contact dermatitis affects between 1.5% and 5% of people #AllergyGoAway


#Immunodeficiency occurs when body's immune response is reduced or absent, leading to infections #AllergyGoAway

More than 180 different primary #immunodeficiencies have been described since 1950s #AllergyGoAway

IgA deficiency is the most common primary #immunodeficiency, affects 1 in 300 to 1 in 500 people #AllergyGoAway