Component-based allergen microarray for kiwi fruit allergy (Act d 1) has diagnostic sensitivity of 66%, specificity of 56%

Allergy to kiwi fruit is increasingly reported. Currently, the reliability of diagnosis by measurement of allergen-specific IgE with extracts or by skin testing with fresh fruit is unsatisfying.

With an allergen microarray, the researchers measured specific IgE (Act d 1, 9 and 7-specific IgE) to a panel of 9 kiwifruit allergens in 237 individuals with kiwifruit allergy. The extent of sensitization to latex was also determined.

The panel of kiwifruit allergens showed a diagnostic sensitivity of 66%, and a specificity of 56%.

Kiwifruit- and latex-allergic patients contained Hev b 11-specific IgE significantly more frequently than latex-allergic patients without kiwifruit allergy.

Cross-reactivity in Pollen-Food Allergy Syndrome (PFAS) or Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) (click to enlarge the image).

Act d 1 can be considered a marker allergen for genuine sensitization to kiwifruit. A component-based kiwifruit allergen microarray would improve the prognostic value of in vitro diagnostic tests.

Molecular Allergy Component Testing, a video by the manufacturer of ImmunoCAP testing system.

This video by the manufacturer of sIgE assays Phadia tries to explain the concept of Molecular Allergology in two minutes:


The performance of a component-based allergen microarray for the diagnosis of kiwifruit allergy. Bublin M, Dennstedt S, Buchegger M, Antonietta Ciardiello M, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Harwanegg C, Hafner C, Ebner C, Ballmer-Weber BK, Knulst A, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Radauer C, Mari A, Breiteneder H. Clin Exp Allergy. 2010 Nov 17. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2010.03619.x.

Component-Resolved Diagnosis in Pediatric Allergy