IL-27 is expressed in chronic eczematous skin and stimulates keratinocytes

Interleukin-27 (IL-27) is a heterodimeric cytokine belonging to the IL-12 family that is composed of two subunits:

- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced gene 3 (EBI3) (also known as IL-27B)
- IL27-p28 (known as IL-30)

IL-27 is produced by antigen-presenting cells early during immune responses. It supports T-cell polarization along the T(H)1 lineage and has anti-inflammatory effect in murine models.

IL-27 was expressed in chronic lesional allergic eczematous skin but not in the acute phase of eczema. It acts as a priming signal on keratinocytes - amplifies chemokine production and surface molecule expression.

IL-27 might act in an inflammatory, disease-maintaining manner in chronic (but not acute) eczema.

Type I cytokine receptors are mediated through JAK/STAT and bind: IL-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, GM-CSF.

Key steps of the JAK-STAT pathway. Image source: Wikpedia, public domain.

Cytokine Signaling. This video is from: Janeway's Immunobiology, 7th Edition Murphy, Travers, & Walport. Source: Garland Science. References: Wittmann M, Zeitvogel J, Wang D, Werfel T. IL-27 is expressed in chronic human eczematous skin lesions and stimulates human keratinocytes. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 Jun 10. IL-12 family cytokines: immunological playmakers that mediate surprisingly diverse functional effects Related: Interleukin 27, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.