Twitter Updates from the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI)
Press releases from the annual AAAAI meeting (ongoing now) are available here:
Twitter updates by some of the attendees can be found on Twitter search using the search term "AAAAI" or the hashtag #AAAAI. A few selected Twitter posts (also called tweets or updates) are listed below. I will update the list as more updates are added during the conference.
From wheezemd:
Science Conference Coverage with Twitter
Twitter Updates from the Severe Asthma Workshop at the 2008 Annual Meeting of American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI)
Photos: 2008 Annual ACAAI Meeting in Seattle, Washington, November 6-11
Updated: 03/16/2009
Twitter updates by some of the attendees can be found on Twitter search using the search term "AAAAI" or the hashtag #AAAAI. A few selected Twitter posts (also called tweets or updates) are listed below. I will update the list as more updates are added during the conference.
From wheezemd:
- Major changes at the AAAAI meeting. One can tell the cutbacks by the pharma companies.
- Allergists in a state of funk-the economy and health care reform - it's the unknown that leads to stress.
- Is the Medical Home concept just another name for a new gatekeeper system?
- At AAAAI plenary session on food allergy. Few common allergens with high cross-reactivity. Example fish.
- #AAAAI peanut allergen Ara h 2 and 6 not affected by heat and heat increases antigenicity Ara h 1 in some patients.
- #AAAAI Ara h 1 doesn't lose antigenicity by gastic digestion.
- At World Allergy Journal meeting. Need for manuscripts for the online journal.
- Interesting study combining an intranasal steroid and an intranasal antihistamine showing added benefit in allergic rhinitis.
- The AAAAI Saturday morning Plenary: Food Allergy: State of the Science is PACKED!!
- AAAAI press room is bare bones this year. But it's kind of cool to get all the materials on a thumb drive rather than a heavy conf book
- Dr. Bischoff: Future therapies for food allergy may include probiotics and intestinal therapies... #AAAAI
- Extrapolated FDA numbers show there r about 125K food allergy related visits to the ER annually, 14K of which r due 2 anaphylaxis #AAAAI
- Sampson: Skin prick tests and IgE tests alone wil likely way over diagnose food allergies. #AAAAI #food allergy
- Sampson: Without a complete or reliable medical history, a food challenge test is necessary to Dx food allergies #AAAAI
- As Sampson has said many times b4, yes, it is possible to outgrow food allergies, milk and egg most commonly outgrown #AAAAI
- Peanut, tree nut and shellfish allergies, though, are less commonly outgrown, thought it's still possible #AAAAI
- #AAAAI sitting among all these docs, furiously typing on my laptop to Tweet, I'm getting some funny looks LOL!
- As b4, the best food allergy therapy is still strict avoidance and carrying epinephrine. Sorry food allergy plp, same old same old #AAAAI
- Audio & video recording of educational sessions @ #AAAAI is prohibited; Assume that DOESN'T include blogging/tweeting
- For those who want 2 B research cool, a "murine model" just means research in mice
- The first state to have more than 25% of its adult pop obese was Mississippi in 2001. By 2007, the "thinnest" state was CO w/15%-20% obesity
- Have 2 admit that Tweeting live is a lil distracting. Paying more attention 2 what's happening on Twitter than 2 the speaker. Hmm...
- Overheard a doc 2 another doc "I'm looking for earth shattering. I want u to tell me something & I go wow! There's no wow this year" #AAAAI
- "Give me something I can take back to NY that I can use to help my patients. I haven't seen that yet here" #AAAAI
- Makes me wonder, what role do conferences serve now when people can get new info instantaneously on Twitter, RSS feeds, mag subs etc? #AAAAI
- Excellent point. There is no substitute for a face to face meeting, so I think conferences are still useful. @allergicgirl #AAAAI
- There are some successful, but small, studies being done on the use of traditional Chinese medicine on food allergies & eczema #AAAAI
- DO NOT try food allergy challenges at home! Can incredibly dangerous, Dr. A. Wesley Burks. Also see #AAAAI
- Burks: In the next few years, there will likely B "active treatment" 4 food allergies besides strict avoidance, today's only therapy #AAAAI
- So far, the most interesting things have bn early success of Mt. Sinai's trad Chinese med studies on food allergy, asthma, eczema #AAAAI
- FYI, the gold standard test for food allergies is a doctor supervised food challenge. Pretty scary gold standard #AAAAI
- Dr. Wood disagrees with Dr. Burks: he says an FDA-approved therapy for food allergies is well more than 10 years away #AAAAI
- Fish & Shellfish r most common food allergy in U.S. considering all ages. In children, milk & egg allergy r most common, NOT peanut #AAAAI
- U wanna prevent a deadly food allergy anaphylaxis rxn: "No epi, no eatie!" Always have an epi pen and know how to use it #AAAAI
- Study of 4 child asthma deaths: all overused rescue inhalers, none had asthma action plan, none consistently used controller meds #AAAAI
- 1 boy, 14 yo, African American, died WHILE USING his albuterol nebulizer! Had stayed home from school previous day b/c of asthma. #AAAAI
- Also, 33% of asthma-related fatalities happened in patients classified as having MILD disease (according to a 1992 Australian study) #AAAAI
- ER docs might be part of the food allergy fatality problem: many mistake anaphylaxis allergic rxns 4 asthma attacks & mistreat #AAAAI
- Take home notes: ER docs & PCP should B aware of any allergies their asthmatic patients have as a rxn may B anaphylaxis, not asthma #AAAAI
- Have food allergies, go nowhere & eat nothing w/o having an epi pen on u. Fatal rxns more likely in plp who had mild rxns B4 #AAAAI
- Uncontrolled asthma is #1 factor in fatal allergy shot rxns. Docs should reconsider admin of shots if pt's asthma isn't controlled #AAAAI
- What's your asthma personality? Your life may depend on it #AAAAI
- Take home note: Asthmatic kids (& adults) should have an asthma action plan at school. #AAAAI
- "Asthma is a nighttime disease b/c some protective effects, corticosteroids & adrenalin, diminish @ night," Busse #AAAAI
Science Conference Coverage with Twitter
Twitter Updates from the Severe Asthma Workshop at the 2008 Annual Meeting of American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI)
Photos: 2008 Annual ACAAI Meeting in Seattle, Washington, November 6-11
Updated: 03/16/2009