Exhaled NO measurements were performed in 695 subjects from Turin (Italy), Gothenburg and Uppsala (both Sweden).
Allergic status was defined by using measurements of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) (not skin prick testing).
Allergic asthma was associated with increase of FE(NO) while no significant association was found for nonallergic asthma in univariate analysis. In a multivariate analysis, both subjects with allergic asthma and nonallergic asthma had higher FE(NO) levels than nonatopic healthy subjects.
No FE(NO) increases were noted for ex- and current smokers in multivariate analysis. The findings suggest predominance of a noneosinophilic inflammation among ever-smokers.
Active and passive smoking decreased FeNO levels in adults.

Inflammation in asthma (mind map). FeNO is a marker of oxidative stress. See more Allergy and Immunology mind maps here.
However, a 2012 study in the journal Thorax, showed that tailoring of asthma treatment based on FeNO levels was ineffective in improving outcomes in children and adults.
Both allergic and nonallergic asthma are associated with increased FE(10) levels, but only in never-smokers. Malinovschi A, Janson C, Högman M, Rolla G, Torén K, Norbäck D, Olin AC. Allergy. 2008 Dec 5.

Inflammation in asthma (mind map). FeNO is a marker of oxidative stress. See more Allergy and Immunology mind maps here.
However, a 2012 study in the journal Thorax, showed that tailoring of asthma treatment based on FeNO levels was ineffective in improving outcomes in children and adults.
Both allergic and nonallergic asthma are associated with increased FE(10) levels, but only in never-smokers. Malinovschi A, Janson C, Högman M, Rolla G, Torén K, Norbäck D, Olin AC. Allergy. 2008 Dec 5.
Exhaled nitric oxide correlated with control in recurrent infantile wheeze treated with inhaled corticosteroids. http://goo.gl/AS7I
Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in asthma and sinusitis. AllergyNotes.
Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in asthma and sinusitis. AllergyNotes.