Clinical Case: How to Treat an Exacerbation of Atopic Dermatitis?

An 18-month old boy is here for a follow-up of atopic dermatitis. He was last seen at the clinic 3 months ago and at that time his mother described his symptoms as "8" - the lesions were affecting his face, elbows, the areas behind the ears and knees, and the pubis. He was prescribed Elidel (pimecrolimus) and hydrocortisone 1% for the face BID, and Elidel and triamcinolone 0.1% (Kenalog) for the body BID. The symptoms improved significantly and the mother downshifted local therapy to triamcinolone 0.1% daily a month ago. She also stopped Singulair. Two weeks ago, the skin lesions re-occurred, including new ones on the face and back.

What treatment options would you suggest?

Read the rest of the case here: Treatment of Exacerbation of Moderately Severe Atopic Dermatitis from

Topical Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis: A Short Review. Allergy Cases.
Image source: Wikipedia, public domain.